December 8, 2021 Progress Report
I will start with that for the last week I have been plotting out the rest of The Price of Coffee after getting the beginning to where I...
James G Yeo
I will start with that for the last week I have been plotting out the rest of The Price of Coffee after getting the beginning to where I...
Well we are in a new month and the winter is starting. The last week has produced the finishing of chapter 4 of The Price of Coffee and...
To start with today I have been working on Chapter 4 of The Price of Coffee and I am going to be going to the computer to put it in. It...
With the problems that I was having with writing chapter 3 of The Price of Coffee, I got it done. I have already started chapter 4 and I...
To start with, the week that has been wasn't that good for writing. Had to rewrite chapter 3 of The Price of Coffee at least 3 times...
To start with today I have chapter 3 written out and all I need to do now is type it into the computer. I am looking at the changes in...
After two rewrites I have gotten chapter 2 of The Price of Coffee into the computer. Now that the plot changes are made it should be...
Today I am starting on typing in chapter 2 of The Price of Coffee. I have taken a different path for the book as the last idea just...
To begin today I have been working on The Price of Coffee and read through chapter 1 and 2. Chapter 1 is good for now as there is going...
I will start today with some good news. The second chapter of The Price of Coffee is written and I will be working on getting into the...
To start with today, I had a meeting with my editor and he has started the process of editing the book. This is good news as it will be...
For today I have good news, I have sent The Fog of Time to my editor the other day so that is one project down. As well I had a meeting...
First I would like to send remembrance to our friends in the USA for on the eleventh of this month was the 20 years since the towers in...
To start with today I have been busy editing The Fog of Time and I will be getting it to my editor soon. The Price of Coffee is in the...
Well to start with I am back from holidays and I will be getting back to work on both books this week. The Fog of Time is in the final...
Today I will start off by saying that I will be on the way back home where my holiday's are coming to an end. I have only done a little...
Today I will start off saying that I am finished with another read through for the Fog of Time. One more read through to go before it...
For the last week it has been busy working on The Fog of Time. I am up to chapter 11 for the edit that I am doing on it. It is going...
So this week that has past I was traveling for 5 days. I wasn't able to get much work done on The Fog of Time but last night I did get...
To start with some good news, I have gotten the first chapter of The Price of Coffee written. It is nice to see progress happening for...