May 18, 2022
As this week ends for me from being back home after the holidays, I have found myself getting work done around the house and outside for...
James G Yeo
As this week ends for me from being back home after the holidays, I have found myself getting work done around the house and outside for...
After four days on the road I am finally home and able to get back to working full time once again. The holiday that was extended...
For this review I will let you all know how I came to this book. The way I came to the book is that I had read about it in Hearts in...
To start with today, I have finished up the work that was needed for the publisher on The Fog of Time. This part is done and with any...
For this book, the way that Conrad writes it out by first person and he does an amazing job. The story is that of an journey into the...
As the day is a little cool today here where I am at, I have been busy with Shadows and Dust for the last week. I have finished with...
There was a reason why I picked this book and the reason is because I wanted to see why this book is being taken off bookstore and...
To start with today I was in my email and the publishing company has sent me some work to do with the book. So I am that much closer of...
For the work on Shadows and Dust, I have only started chapter 2. With any luck I will get time to work on it in the next few days where...
For today, I have been on my holidays and I have been taking time to enjoy the change of scenery. I have made more progress on Chapter 2...
To start off first after I heard of Anne's death I felt the need to reread my favorite book by her to do a review. With this book it is a...
To start with the work on the new book, I have gotten the first chapter written and I am starting the second one here in the next couple...
Well, I have been busy all day and I am late getting this done today. So to start, I have made my decision for my front cover where the...
I will start with that I am making great progress with the new book. Still in chapter one as I am writing it out by hand. In the next...
To start with today I have been busy working on the plot for the next book in the An Individual's Innocence series, Shadows and Dust. I...
To start with today, I have finished up the editing of The Fog of Time and have sent it back to the publisher. From what I have been...
To start today I have gotten up to chapter 12 on the reworking of The Fog of Time and I should have it done in the next day or so. I...
To start with today, I have been busy working on The Fog of Time. The editing is going well and I hope that I will be done with it in a...
To start off with today I am putting The Price of Coffee down for now. I have been having trouble writing it to the point where I am and...
As the week starts for me I have gotten my book back from the publisher after they read it through. They like the story and feel that it...