The Author's Corner: The Rain
The rain of life can be seen as trials and pain for some and for others it is the changes that they are going through. In what comes is a...
James G Yeo
The rain of life can be seen as trials and pain for some and for others it is the changes that they are going through. In what comes is a...
Well, the beginning of the corrections on Shadows and Dust has started. I am hoping that I am able to finish it off here in the next few...
What a loaded word life is. It is what spans from birth to death. However, the word itself has so many different meanings as there are...
To start off for this week I have gotten Shadows and Dust back from my editor and there is a bit of work needed. I will be starting that...
It is early morning as you are driving home from your night shift. Home is an hour way as you prefer living where your parents are as you...
To start today I have got a message from my editor and the book is ready. That means that Shadows and Dust will be back to be worked on....
It is summertime as you are spending time at your cabin by the lake. All around you are the mountains with their snowcapped peaks. In the...
To begin this week, I have been busy with a little studying for the new novel as I have written 3 pages for another idea for a beginning....
When I think of battles, I think of life because it continues every day that we wake. It is one thing that never ends. I know that...
Today I start off by letting you all know that I have the first three or so pages done on the new novel. The work has started and I am...
Well what a read. To start off with I like how Rice took the character's from Interview with the Vampire and The Vampire Lestat and...
To tell a story is one thing but to put it on paper and have people to buy your work are two different things. As the times when you are...
To start with today, I am going to begin the first draft of the next book. There will be some areas that I will be focusing on. It...
As the afternoon begins to cool down from the heat of summer, you are lying on your grass when there is a light breeze that begins. It...
Well I will start to say that I am going to be getting a hold of bookstores in the beginning of next year so my books will be available...
To start this one I know how important family is. Now family is not always blood and for some the blood family has casted you out. In...
To start off today I have been busy working on the essays as I wait for a couple calls from the mental health group that deals with...
Picture yourself standing on a cliff overlooking a waterfall. The water flows over the drop to the bottom which is some hundred feet to...
I am a day late, I had a lot going on yesterday and totally forgot about the blog, forgive me everyone. Anyway, I have made some calls to...
A tear from the eyes of an angel as the day begins. With the blessing of a new day not given to all. Only the life that we are allowed...