To start with today I was in my email and the publishing company has sent me some work to do with the book. So I am that much closer of being to a release date. That is good news and I have to look over the book as their team has sent me the proofs for the book.
On the working front for Shadows and Dust, I have been busy brainstorming the book as I haven't done any work in the way of writing it. That will change for this week as I have time to write now as I have the free time to do so. The direction of the book is what I was having trouble with and was the main reason why I had put the pen down.
For the most part, my holidays are almost over and I will be back to working full time on the book. The break itself has been helpful and I feel that I will be able to write Shadows and Dust without any problems. I will be hopefully getting it to my editor by September to start that process of the project.
Until next week, stay safe.