So I will start with some good news. I have had a chat with my editor and he has told me that the book is written better than the first one. This is good to know as I move forward with my work that I will have once I get the book back in the middle of the month. As well, he said that it is a good follow up book from The Silent Scream (the first book of the series) and I have left enough ideas where I can take the next couple books to. I have been working on the third of the series and I mentioned where I am going with that book. He said for me to keep working and that when I am ready with that book (Shadows and Dust) he will wait to see it. The call was good over all and it is good to hear the great news.
The work on Shadows and Dust is coming along and I am right now working on chapter 3. I am hoping that I am able to get up to chapter 4 done before I have to pause to do the corrections in The Fog of Time. That will take about 2 weeks and then I will be sending it to my beta readers. After that I will be at the finish line and it will be going to my finish editor. In between all of that I hope that I can get Shadows and Dust finished by the end of the year.
I have been in touch with my publisher and they are looking forward to getting The Fog of Time set up for me.
All in all, it has been a good week and I will say for you all to stay safe and healthy.