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Book review of The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

Writer: James G YeoJames G Yeo

For starters the book is about finding insights of life I say. There are many points that Redfield gives that will help in understanding where we are headed in a spiritual way. He makes simple stories to go within each chapter of the book. For what I got from the book is how that the church would be against something that is different from what they believe. That is the main theme of the book that the church is the bad guy.

With the writing of the book, Redfield shows that he can tell a good story and keep people interested in what is going to come next. I quite enjoyed the way he wrote the book from first person as I don't think that it could have been written any other way.

This book is well worth a read if you are looking for something that will make you question religion and your own beliefs for life in general.

The next book will be The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy.

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