Well we are in a new month and the winter is starting. The last week has produced the finishing of chapter 4 of The Price of Coffee and chapter 5 is going into the computer today. I have had a break through and the ideas are flowing in for the rest of the book. This is a good thing and I should be on track for getting it ready for the editor here in the next couple months. So far the story line is showing itself to me and the direction that it wants to go. As the author I will follow my characters where they want to go.
For The Fog of Time, the final read is happening here in the next week from one of my readers. Once she is done, I will be doing one final read myself to make sure I am happy with what I have written. It feels good that I am at this point with this project and I am getting ready for the next step which is to take it to the publisher.
The following book for the An Individual's Innocence series is in the idea phase. I have jotted down some ideas into a chapter for the moment so once I am done with The Price of Coffee I can hit the ground running on it.
For what I am going to be doing with my writing I will be doing stand alone novels in between each of the An Individual's Innocence books. That way I will be able to pace the series which I know will continue for many books to come.
Anyway I hope that you are all staying safe out there.