First for those of you that have celebrate Christmas, merry Christmas. For the rest of you enjoy the time off to being with your family at this time of year. I feel that being with your family is more important than a holiday so if you are not near those who you love, pick up your phone and call them because I am sure that they would love to hear from you.
Now to the business at hand, I have been working on my edit of Echoes of Yesterday and I should be able to get it to my editor at the beginning of January and then I can get back to working on my other projects.
I will only have one book out next year for you all to buy and the is Echoes of Yesterday. To give you a better idea of what kind of book it is, it is a cross between my own philosophy on life and inspirational for those of you to move forward in life. I am enjoying the process of this book and I am looking forward to having it out.
For Pages, I will be making it for 2027 as I want to do some more reading and talking to those who work in the Mental Health Field to bring a better book for you all.
I do have two other projects that I will be working on for 2026, another poetry book, Voices of Reason volume 2, and as well another Echoes of Yesterday. I am going to have Voices of Reason ready for the spring and then Echoes of Yesterday in the fall, if all goes well.
With me, I am looking forward to the rest of the week as I should be finished my edit of Echoes of Yesterday and then I will be planning my up coming year for my work and well that is all I have for today.
Once again, have a good time with family and I will be back next Wednesday.
Stay safe.