Today I will start with letting you all know that I have put a deadline with my artist and editor for Echoes of Yesterday. That date is the first of June. This way they will both have time to do a good job and then it will give me a month to do the corrections and format the book for publishing. So, it will be a July release.
Onto the second volume of Echoes of Yesterday, I have been busy with it by writing one or two essays a day as of late. The book is coming along well so far and I will be taking a break so I can type them into the computer here on the weekend.
With Pages, I have been plotting out the second part of the book and I should be back writing it in the next couple of days or at the latest the beginning of next week.
Once I am done with Echoes of Yesterday volume 2 I will be starting to work on my next poetry book, Voices of Reason volume 2.
With all said and done the aim is three books this year to write. So, two of the three will be released in 2026. Those two books will be Echoes of Yesterday volume 2 and Voices of Reason volume 2. Pages will be in the editing phase for most of 2026 with a release date in 2027.
Anyway stay safe.