To start this week I have work to do on Shadows and Dust as I will be taking it to my editor in Edmonton next month. It has come to the point where I am at a stage where I am almost ready for it to be finished. It will be nice when all the editing is done and then it is to save for my publishing package.
For Echoes of Yesterday, I will be still aiming for typing it in when September comes. With this book I am hoping to have it ready for next summer for me to publish. The one thing about this book is that it is mainly a bunch of essay type writing that I am working with. So, there are plenty of topics that I am writing about.
I have jotted a few more ideas down for the next project that I will be most likely writing to start in January of next year. So I have work to do and well I am looking forward to the challenge of getting all the books ready in a timely matter.
With summer here and nice weather, I have been doing some of my writing outdoors. Other than that I will keep you all updated on what is happening with the writing. As well check out the new blog that I am doing called The Author's Corner.
Stay safe.