As the week starts for me I have been busy typing in what I have written for Echoes of Yesterday volume 2. I have 5 more pages to do and then I will be writing more. As for Echoes of Yesterday volume 1, I have been in contact with my editor and gave her some more time to do her work on it. I am still on course of having it released in summer of this year.
For Pages, I have been writing down any thoughts that I have for the plot. I will be working on it again once I have Echoes of Yesterday volume 2 written and typed in. This way I will be able to focus on each book by itself.
I am looking forward to my book tour that is happening here on the 22nd of March and it is right now just three stops. The one thing is that making the connections with the readers is good for me and I am able to get the books into peoples hands.
This week I am doing well for the most part and I am looking forward to the spring. Not that I do not like winter, I am just ready for the new season.
Stay safe.