I am a day early this week where I have a busy day tomorrow where I will be out of town. I am almost done Chapter 1 of Shadows and Dust which has been flowing nicely when I work on it. I will be waiting for my editor to finish The Fog of Time and then I can get that ready for my beta readers to have a look at. I am thinking that it will be mid summer when I get the book to my finish editor. It should be ready for the publisher in November when I get my publishing package with a February release at the earliest. I will be continuing on Shadows and Dust in between the editing parts of The Fog of Time and I am looking at next January to start the editing on Shadows and Dust.
Once Shadows and Dust is done, I will be taking a break from the An Individual's Innocence series to work on a different project that has been bouncing around for the last few years. It is going to be a totally different from the An Individual's Innocence series. This one is going to be a murder mystery and it is going to be called The Price of Coffee. A friend of mine gave me the idea for the book so that is what the break is going to be for.
So have a great week and I will post again on my normal day of Tuesday.