To start with today, I will be holding off on Pages so I can focus on editing of Echoes of Yesterday. This way I will be able to give my full attention to the editing. Once I get my first read through of Echoes of Yesterday done and make the edits, I will restart on Pages. The goal is to get Echoes of Yesterday ready for my editor and then get back to work on Pages. This should only take about a week or so. Then I will be going full steam with Pages.
As for other news, I have been invited to Saskatoon for a meet and greet with one of the churches there. There will also be a signing happening for those who come with my books. The hard work is starting to pay off and this is only the beginning for the Breaking the Stigma on Mental Health project.
Other than that, winter has shown up with snow as it is that time of year here in Saskatchewan.
Until next time, stay safe.