Well as the week starts for me I have been working a good amount on Shadows and Dust. I have been hitting the odd moments where I am unable to move forward with the story and for the most part it is because I am over thinking the scene. When that happens I have been just setting the pen down and leaving it for the rest of the day. Those stoppages have been happening less and less as I have been writing in general.
I am hoping to go to the publisher in a year and a half for Shadows and Dust if the editing goes well. It will all depend on what my editors find and what is needed to be fixed. During that time I will be working on a book of essays and as I have said the other week I will be using a different publisher for that.
As the summer comes to an end, I am looking forward to the fall as there is less yard work to do and there is getting outside ready for the snow.
Anyway I will be back next week so stay safe.