Picture yourself at a step cliff. You have a wind suit and at this moment you start to question why you are ready to jump. You feel ready and all your training up to this point has placed you here. Leading the group of people that you are with, you take the jump over the cliff and the freefall starts. You spread your arms and legs to open up your suit. Now the feeling of flight thrills you as you feel like a bird of pray. A few minutes later you pull your rip cord to start the slow landing to the open field and awaiting you is your friends and family. One more thing marked off the bucket list.
The jump is something that comes with everything that we face for everything that we do. There are things that we shy away from and it take strength to take them on. In life it is not all good and your life shows you both sides of the coin. The ups and downs that we face are all taking the step off into something that we are not ready for. Thus, we are always falling in a way in our life even when we are moving forward. Each new idea is a step off the cliff for us and most people who do not make that step will never know what they can do.
There are two sides of what can happen in life. At one moment you are on top of the world, however at the same time you are at the bottom of the mountain. In life there are those people who can put on an act that everything is okay and the fact is that they are in the deepest depths of depression or a full out battle with themselves. We all know the signs of these feelings as I know from personal experience because I was one of these people. I put on a brave and positive smile but I was fighting my demons that I had at the time. It would not be until I faced being diagnosed with schizophrenia that I had to step up to see my fall.
When a persons life either work life or home life is falling apart it is seen as it is by outsiders and for the person it is normally not seen until they stop falling. The hard part is that there are very few people you can reach out to help, even when most people say you can count on me, that fact is when it comes to showing up most people do not. The point is that many people have their own problems that they are going through and in all honesty they do not have the time to help others. There is help out there and that is within the Mental Health Care field.
Your family is different as for most families will help each other out. Even in today’s society there is still some families that take care of each other from birth to death. As in the Western world we send our elders to nursing homes which is something that needs to change. From my own life, I have made the choice to help take care of my parents and when the day comes that they are passed on to the next life, I will not have any regrets.
There is when you take on a new job and there is always the adjustment time and the fall is then into being at the bottom of the pecking order. There will be what is going to be the way that you lead your choice for the new job. If you want to change your career path, the jump maybe into university or college. So, when it comes to jobs/careers, the path will be up to you and unless you have found a forever career there will be changes that you will go through.
There are many forms of falling and it all comes to do you have your safety nets in place for the jump that you are about to take. Always make sure that you follow what is in your heart and the falls will just be new beginnings.
Stay safe.