Motivation is a tricky thing in life, however what is motivation? In what I know, motivation is something that brings me to the page everyday. The thing that drives me to sit down to write is to break the stigma that is around mental health. To be motivated you need something that makes you want to achieve your goals and dreams.
The one thing is that so few people are motivated to do anything unless it has to be done or they are being paid. In today’s society, you have a job and if you show no motivation you will stay in the position or worse you will lose that job.
There is no way to teach how to be motivated because it comes down to the person. The question is are they going to do it or not? Some people do just enough to stay ahead of the other person that they may be working with.
To be motivated outside of work is another thing. Most people now sit and watch shows or do social media. There is the odd time when someone gets to the point where they need to change their life and it normally comes from the doctor telling you need to lose weight because of health reasons.
It is sad that people do not do more for themselves when they are not at work. If they have a family to take care of, that alone should be enough of a reason to be motivated to better their lives. Yet it comes down to will they do it.
Where does motivation come from? It comes from how the person was raised when they were young. If your parents were not motivated to achieve a better life, then there is a good chance you will be the same way. You can always turn that around because it is a learned habit and you may start it for yourself when you move out of your parent’s house.
Now fearless motivation is about going all in to make your dreams come true. It takes a strong mind and a never-ending drive to make those dreams come true. You speak it, breath it and see it. Your focus becomes sharp as a razor and when a challenge comes along, you are able to cut it up and go on. Even when you are ready to give up and it will happen, your mind will change gears and keeps you on track.
Once the dream is set, line up your goals to reach them. Make the goals easy enough to achieve and make sure that they are inline with your dream. No matter what your dream is, by taking the right steps you can make it into reality. You may think that you can not make it happen at first. The most important thing is to start going towards that first goal.
Fearless motivation is a learned habit that you can start at any time in your life.
Stay safe.