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The Author's Corner: Imagine

Writer: James G YeoJames G Yeo

When I hear the word imagine I think of the John Lennon song Imagine. In my opinion it is one of the best songs ever written. The message in the song can bring tear to the eyes of those who are listening to it. John stood for something and that was peace.

Anyway, when you hear the word imagine what comes to your mind? How does that word make you feel? Do you go into a daydream of where you would like to be? Does it make you think of the future? Or does it take you back to happier times in your life? Am I making you think?

With the imagination of the human being there are so many thoughts that can come to you. They say that the human mind has over seventy thousand thoughts per day. Hopefully most are positive and with a healthy imagination you can enjoy your day. To imagine something that you need to use the creative side that you have.

Everyone has the ability to dream which is a form of imagination during the day and night, depends on when you sleep. The question I have is are we imagining this world and when we die, do we wake up into the real world? The mind is the most powerful weapon in the world. The way we use it for good or bad, it will create what we imagine.

Picture yourself in your pace of peace, no matter where you are at right now. This peaceful place maybe at a mountain lake, or maybe watching the sunset on a summer’s night.

Wherever your place of peace is, imagine being there on your own. A beautiful clear blue sky, a slight breeze to remind you that you are alive. Sit for a moment to take in your heavenly place because that is what it is. Is this where we go when we pass from this life? I hope so because I go to mine every time I sleep at night. My place of peace is also where my writing comes from.

But now come back to this reality, is this the world you imagine when you are in your place of peace? When is the physical imaginary and the spiritual becomes reality we will be caught between both worlds where they are one and we are walking and living our own life. Yet there is the single question of what is reality?

How do we know what we see is real? That question and the others that I have asked in this essay are unanswerable because we do not really know. Our imagination is something that leads us in life more than we would like to admit.

We say, “Stop living in the past because it can not be changed and the future has not happened yet. Live for the moment.”

Is the moment where our imaginations lives? Is our soul, if you believe in one, all of our experiences from the past with the hopes of the future or is the soul where the imagination lives?

I can go on forever on the questions that come to mind when I think of the word imagine.

As John Lennon say in the song Imagine, “Imagine all the people living life in peace.”

Stay safe.

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