It comes as no surprise that we all take the time to be doing the things that we do. The streets of no name are those that we travel though out our lives. Some follow the way of religion for their short time here on this realm. Others follow science and much the same as there are many ways to go about life.
The beginning of the journey that we are on starts at home and in our childhood. Our parents raise us in the way the know how. Some have a good childhood and others not so good, yet it comes down to what the person does when they leave home as they start a path of their own. In what has been something that is to the person to decide their path is where they start.
Starting the path to get a higher education after high school is when most people begin their walk along a long street and are faced with the challenges that await them. It is a time when there is a hopeful future for those who find out who they truly are. The path that has been taken takes on turns, dips and sometimes a straight line for most of the time. This is something that most people fail to understand and that is they can change the path that they are on at anytime during their lives.
For most to change from a comfortable path is scary to them because there is the unknown challenges that are there. Thus, the road less taken is overlooked, as a good amount of people follow the pack and conform to the social norms. These norms are to go to college or university, and then enter the work force for a length of time until they can retire. As well is to settle down and have a family, something that is being put off till later in life because everyone is focusing on trying to be something.
In life there are things that will come and go and it really does not matter where you are in life, there will always be options. To live the simple life of following what you want in life, is where most people try to get to. With the demands of society, there is stress when it comes to your career and family life, married or not.
Then as the years move on, there is the death of the older members of your family and you are then challenged with conflicting feelings of did they know that they were loved. As well there is the questions of wondering is if there is an after life. For most who ask this question, it is always lagging because no one knows for sure. To the belief that there will settle the mind that the loved ones are in a better place, I know this from my own experience.
I have a friend who before his mom died that did not believe in an after life, as a Buddhist myself, he asked me what my take on the after life is. The simple answer I said to him was does he believe in one? He was taken back by my answer and then a sense of peace came over him. I do not know what his answer was, however I made him think. He is the same friend who took a broken soul that I was at the age of eighteen and going to college for Culinary Arts and he placed me on the right path, the street of no name that I still follow.
Over the years I have had to adjust my path and in doing so I change the course of my life. The years have shown me that with every challenge that I have gone through have only helped me grow. As of now, I sit here in my parents house typing this and I think of all the things that I have achieved over the course of my life and the challenges as well. It is something that has humbled me into understanding who I am and what my life is meant to be. I have taken up the pen and since 2010 when I started the An Individual’s Innocence series, I have become an author with a mission to change how society sees the mental health.
In what has been a challenge I know where things will be for me as long as I stay positive. I have over come schizophrenia and I have continued to move forward. The thing is that no matter where your street takes you that things will be a constant growth for you to keep moving. No matter who you are, remember that you woke up today and you have only this present moment that you are in. You have the power to change the road you are on.
Stay safe.