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The Author's Corner: The Bridge

Writer: James G YeoJames G Yeo

A bridge is something that connects two points like the two sides of a river. That is one way to look at it. There is also professional bridges, personal bridges and burnt bridges, these three are what we know in our lives.

In the work world you make connections with many people which they are bosses and all the way to the people who clean the bathroom. How we treat these people will be seen as our character. Some of us will treat the person we feel that are in positions of power with respect and those who are we feel less than us with none. This is something that needs to change as everyone deserves the same respect.

The respect that is shown will create the bridges at the workplace. I will tell you this, the people who clean the office and such are the ones who deserver the greatest respect because they are more important than that CEO. A CEO can be replaced easer than a good janitor because not many people truly want to clean the office. Why I say that is because if you help the janitor they will go out of their way to help you. The bridges built in the work place will set your career up and as long as you do what you say that you are going to do, you will build those bridges that will help you later in your career.

With personal bridges which covers your relationships with you friends and family. In the long term, most of these bridges start when you are young with your family. If you are the oldest or youngest of your parent’s children, the first bridge is with the family core. In this environment is where you learn how to treat others and the first lessons of life.

As you start kindergarten, you meet other children who are of the same age of you and then you start to create relationships outside of your home. In what has to happen you will find people that are like you and others that you do not get along with. Though, you will form connections and build bridges that will strengthen over the years. For those who move around from community to community which makes it harder to build strong relationships.

In a positive household there will be time that are stressful because no one is perfect. For the most part you will have a better out look on the outside world and others who live in it. With those from a negative household where there are fights between the parents and there is no love for others in the home, these children are influenced by what they see and act in that way towards people.

Another thing that happens in the personal households is where you learn about all that is of life. Thus, positive or negative will shape the way you look at things. The hard fact with personal bridges is they are harder to make because your family, love them or hate them are there for the rest of your life, with friends it is difficult because they will come in and out of your life throughout time. In all aspects with friends is to enjoy each other's company as you never know if they are going to be staying in your life a long time or just for a moment.

Now comes burnt bridges is what the name come to be expected. When you burn a bridge, that means that you can not go back over it. It happens in some career’s like taking a better position at a different job place and you leave the old job on bad terms. In relationships, it is more of an end of the relationship where it is over.

Stay safe.

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